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Empowering Iowans of faith and conscience to take bold and just climate action. 


Iowa IPL recently took a staff field day and visited Pinhook Farm to learn about the regenerative practices that Seth Watkins has implemented through the years.

A message from our executive director, Deaconess Irene DeMaris

"When's the last time you went to a field day?"

Over the past year, I have traveled the state running our Faith Farms & Climate program with groups of farmers and faith leaders. We’ve gathered in churches over a meal to talk about how our vocation calls us to climate action. And the one question I have for faith leaders in our rural communities is this: “When's the last time you went to a field day?” More often than not, the answer is never. 

A field day is an educational opportunity to learn about agriculture practices on a farm. You get to see the practice in person, ask experts questions, and hopefully be inspired to bring those practices home. 

Last year, I went to my first field day after a year of learning about soil and regenerative agricultural practices. It’s one thing to read about them and another to see them in person. To experience the innovation Iowan farmers are taking for bold and just climate solutions and be inspired. A field day is an opportunity to learn from the best and connect with your community.

And as Iowans of faith and conscience, field days are an opportunity to reconnect with creation and meet the farmers and ranchers stewarding the land. 


Faith in the Field: Creating Positive Change

Last week, our team  hopped in the car to get our feet in the field and visit two of Iowa’s most outspoken regenerative farmers – Denise O’Brien and Seth Watkins. A slew of dogs, cats and chickens greeted us as we arrived at Pinhook Farm, where Seth and his family live, just outside Clarinda, Iowa.

Combating Climate Anxiety

Anybody who cares about the climate crisis has most likely also felt the suffocating effects of “climate anxiety”, a recently-coined term that encompasses the fear and overarching sense of doom that many of us feel when we think about the future given what we know about the state of our planet. 

Save the Date for Iowa Gives Green

Iowa Gives Green will take place Wednesday, August 3, providing Iowans an easy way to discover and donate to organizations (like Iowa IPL) making a difference for Iowa's land, wildlife, water, air, and climate. Iowans donated more than $25,000 to participating groups in 2021 for the inaugural year of giving!


Your financial support empowers Iowans of faith and conscience to take bold and just action on the climate crisis. Together we are transforming our communities, our state, our country, and our world.


Iowa IPL is an affiliate of Interfaith Power & Light. If you are not yet subscribed to the IPL national newsletter, click here to sign up to find out how you can take part in national level climate advocacy.

Iowa Interfaith Power & Light
505 5th Ave. Suite 333 | Des Moines, Iowa 50309
515-216-4895 | www.iowaipl.org

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